(941) 875-6060






Kids Classes

   Ages 10 to 14 years old


We understand parent’s have concerns such as;

   Is my child be able to stay focused on the teacher and assignments?

   Can my child maintain high standards for themselves and excel toward their dreams?

   Can my child deal with the reality of both mental and physical bullying?

The biggest concerns facing children in America today are obesity, bullying, and depression. We are here to help you combat these very legitimate concerns and issues.

Ellenton Martial Arts – Shim Shin Do® provides an exciting and positive environment that reinforces our students confidence. 

Students will enjoy highly engaging martial arts instruction. Classes deliver practical self-defense skills while pushing students as individuals to reach greater levels of fitness with each new belt rank that they achieve. Our community inspires our members to turn their gaze brightly into their futures.

Kids grow up so fast! Make sure the skills they need to survive and remain respectful are imparted on to them before it’s too late!


   Join us Now and let the light of Victory drive Your child toward Success!

  Contact Info

   Phone: (727) 726-7446

   Facebook: facebook.com/shimshindo/

Call Now!


Why Shim Shin-Do®, Self Defense?

- Focused semi-private & private training.
- Dedicated staff who will work tirelessly to provide you with the highest quality martial arts training available.
- Disciplined classes in a new, exciting, and challenging atmosphere.
- Full curriculum on martial art system based in proper human biomechanics & sports science.


Private Introductory Class.

Call Now!

Martial Arts classes and/or other services offered through Ellenton Martial Arts, llc a licensed branch of the United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation, are in no way obligatory and all individuals participating in classes understand they do so under their own free will. By willingly agreeing to participate in Martial Arts training understanding the risks involved Ellenton Martial Arts, llc, Shim Shin-Do®, Martial Smart, the United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation are NOT responsible in any way for accident and/or action leading to or causing injury, or any other negative physical, mental, and/or emotional damage in the United States and abroad including but not limited to the States: AL, AK,AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PA, PW, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY.

This site is for informational and promotional purposes only and does not guarantee the delivery of services as all members and/or clients as well as potential members and/or clients must be screened by a qualified staff member of Ellenton Martial Arts, llc and approved by it's Certified Chief Instructor before any person can enter the training area*, join classes, or sign a membership, agreement, or contract.

*Training area refers to the area of the facility/building where martial arts classes and activities take place.

United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation Phone Number: 727-726-7446

United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation Website: www.shimshindo.com