Private Client Services
Here at Ellenton Martial Arts we are dedicated to teaching realistic self-defense with compassion and integrity. Our Private Client Program offers a highly personalized environment for members to focus on what they want and need as self defense and martial arts practitioners. We incorporate a wide array of great training equipment which safely challenges our students while also keeping the experience both interesting and interactive in every class.
A certified Shim Shin Do® instructor is excited to provide you with the highest quality of modern martial arts technology available, and we will tailor your training to fit perfectly for you. Unlike any other martial arts curriculum in the world Shim Shin-Do® was designed using a modern understanding of proper human biomechanics and sports science. The movements learned are natural and healthy for the body while maximizing the practitioners’ speed and power.
The reality is we live in a world full of violence and self defense is a necessity for everyone. A key truth of this reality is that the reaction timing as well as the athletic ability and technique needed for effective self defense are to a great extent, perishable skills. The movements needed to survive must not only be honed and perfected into well designed tools for success but must also be cared for and trained with on a regular basis.
We are here to keep you motivated and constantly learning new ways to defend yourself and build a safer community for us all.
We look forward to assisting you on the exciting journey in store for you here at Ellenton Martial Art!
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Private Introductory Class.
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Martial Arts classes and/or other services offered through Ellenton Martial Arts, llc a licensed branch of the United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation, are in no way obligatory and all individuals participating in classes understand they do so under their own free will. By willingly agreeing to participate in Martial Arts training understanding the risks involved Ellenton Martial Arts, llc, Shim Shin-Do®, Martial Smart, the United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation are NOT responsible in any way for accident and/or action leading to or causing injury, or any other negative physical, mental, and/or emotional damage in the United States and abroad including but not limited to the States: AL, AK,AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PA, PW, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY.
This site is for informational and promotional purposes only and does not guarantee the delivery of services as all members and/or clients as well as potential members and/or clients must be screened by a qualified staff member of Ellenton Martial Arts, llc and approved by it's Certified Chief Instructor before any person can enter the training area*, join classes, or sign a membership, agreement, or contract.
*Training area refers to the area of the facility/building where martial arts classes and activities take place.
United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation Phone Number: 727-726-7446
United States Shim Shin Do Martial Arts Federation Website: